Tom Parkers Build: Air Creation Tanarg neo / Bionix 2 Rotax 912ULS Explorer
Work Session #1 January 21, 2023 10 Hrs : Opened the trike parts box , Inventory, started to assemble the trike frame, installed the fuel tank fuel gage sending unit, installed main gear.
Work Session #2 01/22/2023 20 Hrs: Assembled and installed mast, installed main wheels and brakes,
installed nose wheel steering assembly. Total time 30Hrs.
Work Session #3 01/25/2023 20 Hrs: Installed seat belts, rear steering assembly, battery, front forks, front wheel, front brake, motor mounts. Total time 50Hrs.
Work Session #4 01/28/2023 24Hrs: Installed front faring, windshield, instrument panel, carburetor heat, air filters. Total time 74Hrs.
Work Session #5 02/01/2023 7Hrs: Fuel hoses installed to carbs and fuel pump, gaskets installed and hoses crimped on carb heat system. Large coolant radiator installed in rear fairing. Total time 81Hrs.
Work Session #6 02/04/2023 24Hrs: Installed oil cooler, oil tank, oil thermostat, fairing bulkhead, baggage door, throttle cable, panel switches, rear metal radiator fairing, rear radiator screen, lower cooling scoop, lower scoop screen. Total time 105Hrs.
Work Session #7 02/08/2023 8Hrs: Enlarged the rear baggage panel to accommodate the oil hoses. Installed rear fairing brackets to the fuel tank. Mounted complete rear sub-assembly to the trike.
Total time 113Hrs.
Build Session #8 02/11/2023 16 Hrs : Installed motor mounts, engine, exhaust system, oil hoses, carb cables, front strut and rear upper fairing. Total build time 129 Hrs.
Build Session #9 02/15 -02/19/2023 18 Hrs: Wired engine instruments and installed throttle controls.Total build time 147 Hrs.
Build Session #10 03/1 -03/31/2023 25 Hrs: More wiring, installation of Trig radio and transponder, Added a wooden mount in the baggage compartment for radio & transponder. Added a wooden mount for Micro Avionics com box, Strobe control, & Echo ADSB. Total build time 172 Hrs.